
Day 2 of blogging

Hey Everyone,
Day 2 of my new blogging hobby. Today i felt like sharing some of my art work. They are both Slash-inspired work. Because i am a big fan of the Guitarist.

This is made with a 2b Pencil, a 6b pencil and a black fineliner.
This was made with just a black marker.
Let me know what you think!
See you guys later!
Julie Eva


First Post

Hello Everybody,
My Name Is Julie Eva.
I am 17 years old and live in Holland. I decided to show the world my creativity, because i want to inspire people. To chase their own dreams and make them feel like they can do anything their mind desires.
I go to an Art School, and do alot with anything that has something to with art. Photography, Painting, Drawing, etc. I also do a lot with photoshop.
All  my pictures are taken with a CANON 1200D.
'This is me, this is the first picture is took with my new camera'.
'f/5 - 1/50 sec - iso3200'
This photo was for a school project, i had to discover different kind of lightings.
I will upload some more pictures soon.
Let me know what you missed, and give me some feedback!
Lots of Love,
Julie Eva